
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

- 2 Corinthians 9:7

If you are a visitor or new to the church, we don’t expect you to give anything. You may wish to do so and that will be gratefully received. For those in our church family, please see below.

The Parish Giving Scheme

  • The best way to give is online, via the Parish Giving Scheme, for the following reasons:

  • Regular monthly giving helps us to plan and budget more effectively and confidently.

  • The Parish Giving Scheme is offered free via the Church of England, so we receive 100% of your donation.

  • Gift Aid is automatically collected for us and paid monthly, saving us time on administration and improving our cashflow.

  • It’s easy to manage your giving online - there’s even the option to automatically increase your gift annually, which protects against inflation.

  • It’s quick and easy to set up a regular donation online.

Direct Gifts

As a parish our favoured method of giving is through the Parish Giving Scheme (see above), because regular giving helps us plan parish budgets.

However, we know some do prefer to give directly, and all giving is enormously valued:

Natwest Bank: Alfold and Loxwood PCC

Sort code: 60-06-19

Account number: 62524550