Men’s Breakfasts

We meet every two months on Saturday mornings to enjoy three B'S

The Men's Breakfasts happen from 8.30-10.00am at The Onslow Arms pub in Loxwood. It's £8 per head (although if cost is a problem we might be able to help out...), which includes a Full English and unlimited tea/coffee. Please let us know if you plan on attending (at least 48hrs in advance).

Our future men's breakfasts in 2024 are listed below:

21st September

16th November

A good breakfast

Some quality banter

A thought from the Bible

On 21st September, James Forward is going to be speaking on "Certainty, Faith and Doubt."

Sign up sheets will be at the back of church, or if you'd like to come along do sign up below.

Recent Talks: